Wednesday, September 28, 2011

After having my revelation, I kinda got stuck.  Ok, great, that's what I am supposed to do as a Christian, but now what?  I had no idea where to go with it, and therefore I didn't for a few days.  But much like anything else that God leads you toward, He wouldn't let me forget it. 

The first verse I thought of was one of my favorites about love.  From the Bible's own little romance novel, "My beloved is mine, and I am his" Song of Solomon 2:16.  I have always thought of this verse, as I am sure many others have - at face value.  It is written about two people in love, but what if we look at it in a different way.  What if it we look at this verse to describe our love relationship with our God.  Or, my God.  That's a comforting thought to me.  I have always thought of myself as a child of God and belonging to Him, but in the way that everyone else in the world belongs to Him too.  What if I look at this as a one on one personal relationship?  What if I am His and He is mine in a more singular way?  The way two people are when they're in love, hopelessly and soley devoted only to each other? 

This opens up a whole new avenue for me.  An avenue that involves putting all my focus into loving my God first, because He is loving me first. (I know that according to Christian principals, that should be my first priority, but lets be serious.  How many of us with spouses and children and jobs and hobbies are really successful at this?  Really?)  For me, it's hard to put my number one focus on something so far, far away in the clouds that is also watching all the rest of the entire world at the same time. But someone that belongs to me, someone that loves me first above all else, someone that I can call "mine," - I can focus on that.  Who couldn't?  I can be a better wife, mother, and person in general for the sake of the One that loves me more than anything else. 

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